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About BVT Smile

This site was created by Allison Greenwood, a senior at Champlain College pursuing a bachelors of science in psychology. This site was a project for her senior capstone as a way to help the community in an area that seemed to need further assistance. Allison was inspired to complete her project on the topic of refugees after having worked with various local organizations that assist children and include many refugee families.

While working with children and families in the Burlington area, Allison noticed a lack of communal knowledge surrounding the topic of resources available. It is because of this that she decided to assist the community by providing a directory where all resources could be accessed. The resources provided on this site reflect common questions asked by refugee families as well as issues commonly documented among the refugee population living in the United States. To read more of the justification for this project please click the document icon below to read the in-depth comprehensive proposal written by Allison. 

To read her in-depth proposal for this project and the research behind the information in this website click the icon below. 

All information regarding education policies with the citation (Perrault, 2016) refer to: 


Perrault, T. (2016, August 8). Newport City Elementary School. Retrieved March 21, 2017, from


All pictures found on Google images. 

© 2017 By Allison Greenwood

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