Arrival and Departure
Elementary Schools* (M, T, Th, F): 8:10 - 2:50; (W) 8:10 - 1:50 *(note Champlain Elementary starts at 8:08 a.m.)
Edmunds Middle School (M, T, Th, F): 8:00 - 3:00; (W) 8:00 - 2:00
Hunt Middle School (M, T, Th, F): 7:55 - 3:05; (W) 7:55 - 2:10
Burlington High School (M, T, Th, F): 8:05 - 3:00; (W) 8:50 - 3:00
For information regarding contacts for each local school go to:
All parents and visitors must check in at the office upon arriving. Anyone wishing to stay must sign in and receive an I.D./Visitor’s badge, which should be displayed prominently.
If bus lights are flashing, please remember that you cannot drive past the bus, even if it is in the parking lot.
Parents must come into the office to sign children out.
Anyone wishing to park in a handicapped parking spot must have handicapped license plates or display a valid handicapped permit in their car.
If there is a change in how your child is going home either for early dismissal or after school (i.e. different bus, home with a friend, or someone else picking them up) most schools require that you send a note to the office indicating such a change. If a note is not received in the office, then your child will be sent to his/her regular destination by his/her normal mode of travel. A last minute phone call to the office does not always ensure that this change will occur. Always notify the school no later than 2:00. When a student is to be dismissed from school because of illness, parents will be contacted. Students may not leave the school grounds without permission from the Principal’s office or signed out by parent/guardian.