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Students are expected, and legally bound, to attend school each day that school is in session. Students are considered truant after three unexcused absences. School policy and state law are consistent and clear on excused absences: when a student is sick or when a family emergency requires a student’s presence with his/her parents. If your child is not going to be in school on a particular day, please notify the school office by phone prior to 8:30 a.m. (You may leave a message on the absent line.


If the school does not hear from you, they will attempt to contact the parent/guardian(s) at home or work to verify

the student’s excuse and absence.





Three Days Unexcused Absence, Determine Cause, Communication with Parents After three annual cumulative unexcused absences, a principal shall contact the parent to inquire about the cause of the absence from school. The principal will send a letter to the parent documenting the student's absences with a copy of policy F.11.


Ten Days Unexcused Absence, Follow-up Communication with Parents After ten annual cumulative unexcused absences (unless the student has a known serious medical condition or special extenuating circumstance), the principal will request that the parent attend a conference with a school administrator, the classroom teacher, the guidance counselor and/or school nurse, the appropriate community resource personnel and/or intervention team, and VT Department of Child and Family Services (DCF). When

appropriate, the principal shall contact a representative of the State’s Attorney’s Office as per the


Truancy Memorandum of Understanding.


The student's absences will be addressed and a plan to include supportive services will be developed to ensure the student's attendance. Supportive services may include remedial intervention, alternative educational programs, utilization of community services and family support services. The Attendance Officer shall be notified of the student’s status and respond to administrative requests for intervention. The conference shall be followed-up by correspondence from the principal which outlines the plan for

the student to maintain regular attendance in school.


Fifteen Days Absence, Request Legal Enforcement If the plan is unsuccessful and the child reaches fifteen annual unexcused absences, the principal shall refer the case of truancy to the State's Attorney's Office and file a report of educational neglect with DCF. The parent will be notified in writing of the action.


Parents play an important role in developing a child’s attitude toward attending school. Here are some tips that will help parents in this attitude development:


  1. Show that you have a positive attitude toward school attendance.

  2. Allow your child plenty of time in the morning to get ready for school.

  3. Make every effort to schedule doctors and dentists appointments, music lessons, etc. before and after school.

  4. Refuse to write excuses for anything other than legitimate absences.

  5. Refuse to view tardiness as acceptable behavior and discourage early checkouts.

  6. Plan family vacations in accordance with the school calendar as much as possible.

  7. Talk to your child about responsibility and the need to develop good work habits and positive attitudes.

  8. Use good judgment. Don’t send a child who is really sick to school.


​Good attendance, aside from being the best educational plan for your child, also helps to increase the amount of money we receive from the state for state aid to education. There is a direct tie to the percentage of time that students are in the building to the amount of state aid that the school receives.

(Perrault, 2016)

© 2017 By Allison Greenwood

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