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We expect students to follow the rules of the school and their class. These rules are established to create a safe school and one where students can focus on their studies. Teachers will handle most discipline problems that are not seriously disruptive to the instructional process. When the behavior is so intense or repetitive that instruction is being disrupted, there are procedures in place to address such behaviors.


The teachers and staff are committed to keeping the atmosphere productive and safe at all times. The goal is to enable optimal student learning. The approach therefore consists of deliberately helping children build academic and social-emotional competencies.


In order to maintain a positive school climate that promotes a pleasant, cooperative and safe learning atmosphere, codes of conduct have been developed for all classrooms, the cafeteria, and the playground. Our purpose is to develop responsible school and community citizens who are concerned for the rights and safety of others. We feel this is best achieved in a collaborative environment involving students, parents, teachers, and administration, as we all model responsible citizenship.


Behavioral choices made by students can have a significant effect on our school climate. Appropriate choices create their own reward, in that they allow all students to enjoy the optimal benefits of their experience. However, at times, students may make inappropriate behavioral choices. The discipline code below provides guidelines for staff and administration to deal with these inappropriate choices, as well as inform students and parents regarding action that will be taken. All legal requirements of due process will be followed during any disciplinary actions.


Discipline Procedure:


Students are expected to comply with all classroom, cafeteria, and playground rules.

Students are not to:

           Engage in any inappropriate bodily contact;

           Bring or consume candy or gum or soda;

           Wear boots or shoes that mark the floor;

           Run in the building;

           Behave in a disruptive manner;

           Throw, kick or splash snow, ice water, rocks, etc;

           Spit on anything;

           Cheat on any school related activity or work;

           Use disrespectful words, actions or inappropriate language;

           Deliberately cut class or skip detention;

           Damage or deface school property or the property of others; or

           Engage in incidental actions injurious to self or others.


Action taken by the staff member who witnessed the behavior or non-compliance can include, but is not limited to, any of the following:

           A warning;

           Loss of free time or privileges;

           Parental notification;

           Time after school;

           Time out;

           Reparation or restitution;

           Student/parent/teacher conference;

           Items such as candy and hats may be held by teachers or the office until the end of the day, or until a parent claims the item;

           Referral to the office.



Some behavioral choices will require suspension from school because of their severity and potential threat to the safety of others and/or their property. The purpose of suspension is to restore a positive school climate and provide a clear message that a significant behavioral change is needed. If at all possible, suspensions will be served in the school setting. Communication with parents will always precede a suspension. The following behaviors may result in suspension from school:


1. Use or possession of tobacco before or during any school sponsored activity*;

2. Use or possession of alcohol, drugs or other illegal substances before or during any

school activities*;

3. Blatant use of abusive language towards any staff member or student;

4. Vandalism, stealing, extortion, or other criminal activities;

5. Intentionally leaving school grounds without permission from the office;

6. Violence, or the threat of violence towards any staff member or student;

7. Sexual/ words or behavior*;

8. Possession of obscene material;

9. Harassment, Hazing and Bullying of students *;

10. Intentional actions injurious to self or others; and/or

11. Possession of weapons or explosives*.

Discipline regarding Bus Behavior:


Transportation to and from school is a privilege granted to pupils.This privilege is conditional, based on students complying with the established rules. When the rules are ignored and a student endangers himself and/or fellow passengers, bus-riding privileges shall be suspended according to the following procedure:


First Offense - Bus driver reminds child of required correct behavior and notifies Principal. A warning slip is written about the problem and a copy is given to the principal.


Second Offense – Driver writes a bus referral slip and brings it to the Principal. Parents receive a written notice and phone call. The child meets with the Principal or Assistant Principal and if possible, the bus driver.


Third Offense – Driver writes a bus referral slip and the child meets with the Principal or Assistant Principal who will notify parent that child is suspended from bus for a period of one (1) day.


Fourth Offense – Driver writes a bus referral slip and the child meets with the Principal or Assistant Principal who will notify parent that child is suspended from bus for a period of three (3) days.


Fifth Offense – Driver writes a bus referral slip and the child meets with the Principal or Assistant Principal who will notify parent that child is suspended from bus for a period of five (5) days. Parents, principal and child meet before bus privileges are reinstated.

(Perrault, 2016)
(Perrault, 2016)

© 2017 By Allison Greenwood

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