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Use of Technology


Radios, stereo equipment, walkmans, electric games and devices, CD/tape players, iPods and the like may not be used during the school day unless for specific educational or recreational reasons. This also includes cell phones, beepers, and pagers. Cell phones used for photography will not be permitted. Students who use these devices during the school day for non-educational reasons will have the electronic device stored in the office for parental pickup. If students forget to leave their device at home, they can drop their device off in the office and pick it up at the end of the day to bring it back home with them. Cell phones must remain in the students backpack and turned off.


Additionally, the legislature expanded their definition of harassment and bullying to include comments and actions done in text messages, email, or on Facebook. Act 58 enacted by the Vermont Legislature made changes to the definitions of harassment, bullying and the ability of schools to discipline students  for off-campus misconduct. Act 58 amended the definitions of harassment (16 V.S.A. § 11 (a) (26)(a)(Section 35)), and bullying (16 V.S.A. §11 (a)(32)(Section 36)) to include harassment and bullying “by electronic means.” The legislature added a provision that allows principals to suspend or expel students for misconduct not on school property, on a school bus, or at a school-sponsored activity where the misconduct can be shown to pose a clear and substantial interference with another student’s right to access educational programs.

Digital Artifacts Policy


As part our ongoing work to provide engaging, authentic learning for area students, the Newport City School seeks to create digital projects to explore our surrounding world. Student work, images, video footage, and other electronic artifacts may be shared to promote future non-profit educational opportunities and shown in public venues, including online, at community gatherings, and among schools. Parents/guardians have the right to contact the main office to request their student work not be


(Perrault, 2016)

© 2017 By Allison Greenwood

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