Green Mountain Transit
Single Fare Adult $1.25 Discount $0.60
10-Ride Pass Adult $12.00 Discount $6.00
Monthly Pass Adult $50.00 Discount $25.00
Children under 6 may ride local GMT buses free when accompanying a fare paying passenger (one child per fare paying passenger, additional children at Discount Fare rate). Does not apply to LINK Express buses.
15 Industrial Parkway
Burlington, Vermont 05401
(802) 864-2282
Carshare Vermont
131 St. Paul Street, Burlington, VT 05401
All rates include gas and insurance. There is a one-time $30 application fee per driver.
What’s Included in my membership?
Gas: There’s a gas card in every car, fill up on us.
Insurance: You and your passengers are covered by premium auto insurance.
Parking: You’ll have a dedicated parking spot at the end of every trip.
Roadside assistance: If you break down, our emergency service will help you 24/7.
Lots of availability: There are plenty of vehicles to go around; getting a car when you need one is easy.
Ways to carry your stuff: Many of our cars have bike and ski racks; and when you need more cargo space, borrow our truck or minivan.
Member perks: Being a CarShare Vermont member comes with a lot of discounts.